Friday, July 12, 2013

Blue Stars

I love this quilt. Blue makes some people sad but not me. I surround myself with it and I always feel better.
Can you see the Baptist Fan quilting design? It's an old fashioned favorite and was machine quilted by Dawn Larsen before my book Remembering Adelia came out. I bought myself a Baptist Fan stencil at a booth at a quilt show and I will try to use it to mark  a small quilt someday for hand quilting.
Look closely - these are half-square triangles arranged to look like LeMoyne Stars. A very easy pattern.
Thank goodness for blue and puppy love . . . .


  1. Beautiful blue quilt. Puppies are always wonderful.

  2. What a wonderful snugly quilt! The colours are cheerful and tranquil at the same time :)

  3. "Blue on blue....heartache on heartache...and I find I can't get over losing you" (love that Bobby Vinton) but blue never seemed sad to me, it is soft, comfy, and secure, just like your beautiful quilt.

  4. My favorite of your quilts. Don't you have a little one like this? Great color choices.

  5. Eu também adoro azul e esse quilt ficou lindo!

  6. Where do I find this pattern? I love Lemoyne Star quilts but not pieceing them!

  7. j'adore cette courte pointe. Quel beau travail Cdt

  8. i love this pattern, my grandmother has one just like it (blue and all!). I'd love to make one like this, can you please, please let me know where to find the pattern?

  9. Thanks so much. The pattern for this quilt is in my book Remembering Adelia.

  10. Love BLUE...BV's 'Blue Velvet', blue eyes, blue skies, blueberries, blue lobelia; and that lovely blue Lemoyne Star is one of my favorites...add those wonderful Baptist Fans and a sweet puppy...I'm in My Blue Heaven! lol

  11. Blue is one of my very favorite colors. In fact, today I'll be hauling out my indigo-and-cream fabrics to work on my Dear Jane quilt!

  12. Los colores son muy bonitos. Me gusta mucho como te ha quedado finalizado el edredon y el acolchado es perfecto.
    un abrazo
